From the Beginning...

I am 48 year old female. I live in Surprise, AZ with my husband of 13 years and my 10 year old daughter. About 4 years ago I started a journey to lose weight. Over this time I have learned a lot about myself.

1) I am a binge eater. If I control my carbohydrate intake I am more successful with controlling the binges. As much as I love certain carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, etc) I have to limit the amount of these items in order to not only lose weight but also to maintain the loss. Because I am a binge eater I am capable of eating a very large amount of food in one setting. I have had to learn portion control and that I can satisfy my hunger with smaller amounts of food.

2) I am a competitor. I actually enjoy running.. though I am actually what I call a "wogger" . I walk/run... to an average pace of 12:30/mile (at this time). I am working on being more of runner than a walker.. that is one of my goals for this year.. to actually run an entire 5K without walking. I really enjoy participating in events in which I am competing with others.. but particularly so I can try to improve my previous results.

3) I want to share what I learn with others to help them on their journey. I am a RN by education. I guess I have always wanted to help others.

More about myself.. where I have been and where I am heading. As I mentioned in the opening sentence, I started this journey about 4 years ago. It was September of 2010 when I decided I needed to start working on my weight. I had reached a high of 215 pounds. I decided to follow a low carbohydrate diet.. such as Adkins.. since it had worked for me in the past. I was not necessarily counting calories at first but I did discover MyFitnessPal and found that it was a great tool for helping me track my intake much easier. Over about 8 months I lost about 60 pounds between watching my diet and doing moderate exercise. I was running on the treadmill, using the elliptical and the recumbent bike at the gym. I then started incorporating resistance training to my routine and found the remaining 15-20 pounds literally dropped off. By July of 2011 I had reached my goal weight of 135 pounds.. give or take 2-3 pounds. I had started participating in Sprint Triathlons with my sister and was enjoying my new body.. unfortunately it would not last for long.

As I mentioned I have an issue with Binge eating. Once I got the weight off I thought I would be able to indulge in those items that I had given up for over a year... such as donuts, pizza, hamburgers, ice cream.. and potatoes. Since I was so active with the different events I was participating in, the weight did not start coming back on.. at first. However, I suffered a few injuries in 2012.. a really bad case of plantar fascititis and  then tennis elbow. I was not able to run for about 2 months.. and was not able to lift for about 3 months. Because I stopped going to the gym regularly, the weight slowly began to creep up. I had several changes that were also going on in my life.. job.. school and such. The increased stress did not help. By December of 2013 I was back up to 185 pounds. I decided enough was enough.. I missed my smaller clothes as well as being able to effectively participate in the events I enjoy.. such as 5K runs and Sprint Triathlons.

2014 has been a year so far of some ups and downs. I started the year off right and followed a keto-adaptive diet. I managed to lose about 25 pounds but then life interfered! I stopped following this eating regimen and piled those 25 pounds back on. I am trying to regroup right now and re-establish healthy habits. Get an eye on this blog to see how I do!!!

 I have just been invited to participate on a Ragnar team that will be running the race in Cape Cod. I am re-establishing an exercise routine that will allow me to successfully compete in this race as well as reach some other goals that I have in mind for 2015.Keep an eye on my progress by watching my blog!

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